What does #dwarf #bamboo and #Shino a type of Japanese Glaze and ceram
ic style have to do with each other?
Read on but first ... a couple of pictures you need to see
Sasa or "dwarf" bamboo |
There's this story repeated in several books and articles that Shino was named after a tea master called Shino Soshin and certainly MODE|RN Japanese uses the characters of his name to write SHINO b u u u t I think the word has an older origin in another word with the same pronunciation and I suspect some one thought writing it with two characters looked more "posh"?
Shino as a ceramics and glaze PREDATES Shino Soshin.
One of the favorite design motifs on early Momoyama Shino is a little sketch in iron slip of a plant.
Okay this is probably grass but you get my point?
I think Shino get its name from a design motif
I can see a conversation like this occurring in 17th century Kyoto at a ceramics shop.
NO honorable customer that is karatsu ware this is from Mino the Shino and Oribe ware. See Shino?
It's possible?
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