Sunday 23 June 2019

Shikimi tsumu by Kojiju

Kojiju a Heian woman poet and courtier who became a non later in life wrote many #waka

This one was a response to a set theme of a Buddhist winter Retreat or Sanka written about 1200 AD

I was unable to find a kana or kanji version of the text even on wakanet  but I did have the romaji

Its SKKS 1666? or 4 The 2 texts I consulted for notes had mismatched numbers!

I have no idea what sort of Nun Kojiju was but given her a courtier perhaps Tendai ?

She may have looked like the woman wearing black and white at the back of the print?

Shikimi tsumu

yamaji no tsuyu ni


akatsuki oki no

sumizome no sode

Shikimi also known as Jinko is Japanese star anise a plant that looks very similar to Chinese Star Anise but its fruit is toxic tho the leaves and branches are used for offerings and incense by the Japanese

I will provide more detail on this on the next post

tsumu gather pluck pick

yamaji mountain path and tsuyu dew

nure be wet soaked damp nikeri past action leading to present result

akatsuki oki no

she got up at dawn to do this but wait akatsuki can also refer to enlightment and can be written with a kanji that can also be read as satori and a further possibility is akatsuki meaning dirt attached or entirely dyed

sumizome no sode ink / black dyed sleeves of a nuns robes

so she got up at dawn and got her sleeves soaked wet not having a romantic affair or picking a branch of flowers to send with a note to a lover but to collect plants for an offering and while doing so may also have had a "dawning" or moment of clarity and insight?

Perhaps she's also gently chiding courtiers who wrote love poems with a reminder poetry can be used for other things?

Artwork as prints screensavers and poemcards inspired by this verse will be posted to my soon

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