Tuesday 8 January 2019

The Lonely Fisherman


The Lonely Fisherman is a cliched theme now but originally it was inspired by famous Tang dynasty poems by one poet. That will be the theme of the next few posts but first let us study this work.

There are towering peaks in the background and a fisherman anchored in a quiet backwater with not even a hint of ripple. The ink wash lead our eyes up to peaks across water and valleys from a starting point of a branching tree mirrored across the waters by other trees. We don't think of Chinese ink paintings as being tonal but look at the layout of the washes the shadows shaping the roof of the boat and the sides of the peaks. The dotting technique is used carefully for emphasis rather than wide brush strokes.There is only one human but a crowd of peaks. It seems very minimalist plus to the use of greys and blacks but there is actually quite a lot of detail. 

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