Sunday, 25 December 2011


This seemed to be the best choice for Christmas!

Rejoice in the Season! Share the JPG too!

OH and please let people know about the TEchnozi and other claendars and prints available from

 MY Red Bubble Online Gallery shop

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Karasu the Fiery Crow

So why have I called this one the fiery crow?
If you're looking it up ou have to look under FIRE NOT LONG TAILED BIRD.
Why? Cos there's No DOT stroke in the middle of the "head"!

This is a picture by Koson an early 20th century Japanese possibly inspired by a famous haiku by Basho the one about the crow in the withered branch. The OO of Karasu and WU is also the OO of OOlong - Black Dragon tea! Okay that's enuff crowing puns and corvid trivia!

Enjoy the pic and the flash card!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Jo is holding Fire!

Jo is holding fire might make a good key phrase for memorizing this character?

My community college is on summer break so I'm going to try to get posts out twice a week using the scheduling function. The morning's mild humidity in Sydney ended in a thunderstorm a little while ago.

I wonder if Mandarin spekaers would have as much trouble pronouncin ghtose initial ng sounds in Viet and Hakka as an Englsih speaker like me. I can get about halfway to a palatal nasal like the Viet nh and at least partly palatize a n but a lot of people just change ng and nh to n! How about you?

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Just a picture today! Been rather busy with helping a sick relative move house!

Folks don't forget you can see larger versions of many of my Technozi in a Calendar!

a little help with PR by passing on the urls would be great!

the less time I have to spend on marketing and PR the more time I can spend on researching and crafting images and info for you!

and there are prints too!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Summer Signs

It's Summer in Sydney!

Folks it's also nearly Xmas. May I make a request? Well 2!

I have no summer job or paid holiday leave and have to live off savings until February.

I both work casually as an assistant and study at a local college and I would love to have A MAC PRO Book but even with a student discount...

Could you consider either mentioning my Technozi and other Calendars to friends and family?

Thank You!